The birdfeeder is hopping with birds right now, but how many birds bothered to visit while I was out in the snow with the camera? If you guessed zero, give yourself a gold star. I have right the equipment now to take excellent bird pix, but I need to work on my invisibility skills.
Fortunately, taking snowy terrain photos doesn't require invisibility. Unlike birds and other woodland creatures, the trees don't flee when they see me coming. Early this morning I bundled up and carried the camera, lenses, and tripod up the hill and down to the meadow and along the creek, discovering just how difficult it can be to take good available-light photos of snow. Hopeful is very interested in camera equipment and she always tries to be helpful, with mixed results.
The snow is still falling, frosting the landscape in a way that reminds me once again of why I love where I live. Now all I just hope one of those packages under the Christmas tree contains a Cloak of Invisibility....
I can see you're making excellent use of your new lens! : )
could I ask you to identify the first two birds, please? The first looks like a tuftless titmouse :/
That is indeed a titmouse, and the second one is a goldfinch that has lost its brilliant yellow summer color.
Ahh, thanks :)
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