Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday poetry challenge: wish list

Finally, I have finished my birthday gift: fourteen final essays submitted by my freshman composition students. Some were pretty good, but none were as good as my other birthday gifts: dinner with my husband at a terrific Mediterranean restaurant and a beautiful purple cashmere sweater from my parents. On Tuesday I did some online shopping to find a sweater to wear with a black wool skirt at MLA, and in the Macy's clearance section I found the perfect thing: a purple cashmere sweater. On Wednesday I opened the package from my parents and found another one. Is it possible to have too many purple cashmere sweaters?

Now that I can cross that off my wish list (twice!), it's time to think about a Christmas. All I want for Christmas more chemotherapy, no more radiation, no more Bob Dylan holiday music assaulting my eardrums. But what kind of wish list contains only absences? Let's request some more tangible items:

One cancer survival,
One son's safe arrival,
One gleaming new gas cap,
Some chocolates and socks.
A hug from my daughter,
Some pork fresh from slaughter,
For breakfast, some flapjacks--
And my Christmas rocks!

Now it's your turn: put your wish list into verse of any kind.


Anonymous said...


To erase last week
is my only Christmas wish.
Let me try again?

Danielle said...

Bob Dylan's Christmas album makes me cringe as well...I can't stomach it-even though I know proceeds are going for charity and I do recall that pesky vow (for better/worse...blah blah blah) when I bought it for Brandon for his birthday since he's a huge fan...Still, I make horrendous faces when I hear the throaty, gruff smoker voice attempting to produce (some minor semblance of) jolly holiday jingles.