Hopeful's best dogfriend, Duke, hasn't been hanging around much lately, but this morning he came hobbling up the drive looking a bit wobbly. He didn't want to come along when we took Hopeful out for a walk up the big horrible hill, and when we got home, we found Duke curled up under our garden shed--dead.
He was a sweet, gentlemanly old dog who has had a limp as long as we've known him but nevertheless used to walk nearly a mile to our house just about every day. He and Hopeful liked nothing better than to go bounding off into the woods chasing squirrels or rabbits, Hopeful in the lead and Duke hobbling along behind. I have always been cheered by their easy companionship. He was our neighbor's dog but we have long thought of him as part of the family, and now we will miss him, Hopeful most of all.
Oh, Bev... What a sad story!! :( My condolences (and Brandy's). It's actually very sweet that he came to say goodbye like he did. Betsy
I'm sorry for your family's loss. Dogs, neighbor dogs included, are a wonderful part of life. Hug yours for us, please.
That's so sad.
That's so sad! How sweet of Duke to come say good bye to Hopeful! Hope you have a nice trip north.
Mary and Shiloh(the beagle)
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