Tuesday, September 12, 2006

News to me

I passed a group of students marveling over the Wall Street Journal as if they'd never seen a real newspaper before. "These people are crazy," said one student. "How can they find this much news in one day?"

The journalist in me wants to tell these students about all the stuff that gets left out of the newspaper in one day, while the teacher in me wants to educate them about the process that turns raw material into articles aimed at a particular audience. Meanwhile, the old fogey in me wants to know how these young people managed to reach adulthood without daily exposure to huge volumes of newsprint, and the newspaper junkie in me wants to grab that Wall Street Journal right out of their hands and start reading.

These people are crazy. How can they not find this much news in one day?

1 comment:

Laura said...

CNN Headline News. There is only a half-hour of news, and it repeats 48 times a day.