Friday, September 22, 2006

Been there, done that, bought the soundtrack

Today a student in my film class commented on how fantastic life would be if we all had our own soundtracks: everywhere we would go, music would follow, and not just any music but music to express the appropriate mood. Yes, I said, but unless we were all equipped with mute buttons, public gatherings would be cacophanous, with dissonant snippets of music constantly competing for attention.

But wait! This already happens every day--with cell phones! The ringtone is the equivalent of a personal soundtrack expressing information about our lives, our values, and how we feel about the people who call us. I'm waiting for the day when someone makes a movie in which the entire soundtrack consists of little unrelated snippets of music bursting out incongruously--but wait! It's already been done! It's called Moulin Rouge!

Rats. All the great ideas are already taken.


Anonymous said...

This seemed appropriate!;_ylt=AipcXa3Kxa5NmHU9qPGM70MSH9EA;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--

Lynn Thiel said...

Yes, I'm in total agreement with you on Moulin Rouge. What a strange movie! I found it unwatchable.