Friday, January 25, 2013

Emerging from the haze, sort of

What I haven't been doing for the past two days: teaching classes, prepping classes, reading e-mail, writing e-mail, going to campus, breathing easily, thinking clearly.

What I've been doing instead: sitting in the doctor's examining room clad in hat, scarf, and gloves, shivering; taking heavy-duty antibiotics and steroids; sweating through the sheets with a temperature of 102; sleeping; watching the entire first season of Parks and Recreation on DVD (although I may have been sleeping through some of it); taking half a hour to eat a bowl of oatmeal because that spoon was too darned heavy; sleeping some more.

What I intend to do as soon as I'm thoroughly mobile: buy an air purifier for my office; hold office hours in the library until the residual floor-sanding dust gets cleared from the building's ventilation system; stomp my feet all over campus until someone in a position to do something about it believes that polluting an allergy-prone person's personal airways with floor-sanding dust is unlikely to result in continued productivity.

But that's too much to think about right now. Besides, I've got more important things to do. Like sleep. And then maybe later, after a good long nap, I'll sleep some more. Because right now, that's what I can do.  

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