Saturday, January 26, 2013

Caution: crash zone ahead!

So here's the thing about steroids: they make you crazy.

By steroids I mean prednisone, and by you, of course, I mean me. (Individual results may vary.) But when I say crazy, what I mean is: crazy.

Don't get me wrong: I very much appreciate my current prescription, which has restored one of my favorite activities--namely, breathing. It's a marvelous experience. You should try it sometime.

But then the side effects kick in. I've taken prednisone before (ah, those thrilling days of chemotherapy!) and I know what to expect: neverending mind-racing lesson-planning PowerPointing unceasing insomnia accompanied by massive bursts of energy.

Sounds great, yes? Here I sit working continuously and feverishly for seven or eight straight hours on essentially zero sleep and I feel great! Fine! Euphoric!

But I've been down this road before and I know there's a great big bad brick wall at the end and the impact hurts. 

Like crazy.

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