Monday, November 16, 2009

Malicious menu

Evidence that chemotherapy has disabled my taste buds:
1. I over-season the sweet and sour cabbage because I can't taste the vinegar.
2. Sausage pizza has no detectable flavor.
3. Texture is the only real difference between butter and peanut butter.

Foods that still taste good anyway:
1. Chocolate.
2. Ginger ale. (Or ginger anything.)
3. Key lime yogurt.
4. Pineapple.

Foods I normally love that now make me want to spit them out:
1. Cheese.
2. Swiss chard.
3. Mandarin oranges.
4. Chicken soup.

Foods I don't ever want to see again after I'm done with chemotherapy:
1. Plain mashed potatoes. (Especially in the middle of the night.)
2. Scrambled eggs.
3. Dry toast.

Foods I'd like to gorge on after my digestive system figures out how to function again:
1. Salad.
2. Sushi.
3. Jalapeno poppers.
4. Cheesecake.

Evidence that God loves me and has a wonderful plan for my life.
1. I'm still eating.
2. Did I mention chocolate?


Anonymous said...

SUSHI!!! That always sounds good to me!

Joy said...

1. Salad.
2. Sushi.
3. Jalapeno poppers.
4. Cheesecake.

Reads like a Kickin' Cancer's Butt Party Menu to me!

Otilia said...

When I was going through cancer treatment, a friend gave me a card that said, "Tina was so tough her poodle skirt had a bulldog on're tougher."

3 years later, it is still the best card I ever received during treatment(2nd & 3rd place were the ones with naked men). Anyways, I was "googling" the bulldog phrase and came upon your blog. It reminds me very much of my blog during that time. I think it is more than the identical template, our age, and our writing, though.

Your experiences are very familiar. The ridges on the fingernails, the chemo-brain (your IQ will begin to return to its previous number at about 6 months post treatment and all the cylinders should be clicking after a year), the sleep patterns, the cancer "get out of anything free" card...

I have coping strategies if you are interested. My email is