Tuesday, December 01, 2020


Sky full of snowflakes,
woods full of snow;
boots in the wrong place--
where can I go?

Yes, once again I have fallen afoul of the hazards of living in two houses: I own two pairs of boots and two winter coats but here in Jackson I have one coat and no boots, not even the leaky ones.  With wet snow coming up to my ankles, leaky boots would be better than no boots at all. I went out this morning in sneakers just to get a few pix before the rain starts and washes away the winter wonderland.

I've been keeping busy painting walls and addressing cards and doing a little advance prep work for next semester's classes, but yesterday I had to get out of the house and do some shopping. We weren't in danger of starving or anything, but after a few days I rebel against leftover turkey, no matter how moist and tender it might be. I found nice soft avocados so supper featured burritos and guacamole, about as far as it is possible to get from leftover turkey.

This morning I painted a closet, which means soon I'll be able to make the next move in our complex game of Musical Closets. There are four closets upstairs, each needing to be emptied out before being painted, so we keep moving stuff from one closet into another to keep it out of the way of the paint. I think the towels have lived in two different closets already, but as soon as today's paint is dry, I'll put the linen closet shelves back in and load 'em up. That leaves one more closet and the small bathroom and then the upstairs painting will be DONE.

Just now, though, I'm enjoying looking out the window at the snow-covered trees. The woods look like a picture postcard sent from a place where everyone knows better than to go outside without boots.


1 comment:

nicoleandmaggie said...

Our first non-Thanksgiving meal was guacamole with chips, so great minds! (Or great palates?)