Sunday, April 04, 2010

At first sight

What did I do to deserve trilliums today? Nothing, I tell you, absolutely nothing, and yet there they were in front of me, first a host of green stems with buds closed tight and then one--no, two full white blossoms, and then, like icing on the cake, one tiny little stalk of Dutchman's breeches with a line of wee white puffy blossoms like bloomers hanging on a line.

I've never seen either of them blossoming this early and I certainly didn't expect to see them today. In fact, I didn't expect to see much of anything today because for a few days my attention has been tightly focused on some mild internal turmoil caused by a petty but painful slight that has sent me harrumphing around the place in high dudgeon over something I'll no doubt forget within the week. So I was in no humor to encounter trilliums and I certainly didn't deserve them, but there they were, blossoming right in front of me as if all that stuff that's been dragging me down really didn't matter.

As, of course, it doesn't.

So I am thankful for trilliums and doubly thankful for Dutchman's breeches, my favorite wildflowers hands down and even better when they're unexpected.


Murr Brewster said...

A trillium is always higher than a dudgeon.

Bev said...

Couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks!