Friday, January 30, 2009

Exercise what?

Yesterday's local newspaper reported on the ice storm that made travel treacherous in our area, noting that later "the advisory was downgraded to a Level 1, with motorists still asked to exercise when driving on snow- and ice-covered roads."

Maybe it's just me, but I'm not sure it's a good idea to ask motorists to exercise while driving on snow- and ice-covered roads--but then I suppose it depends upon the nature of the exercise. I wouldn't recommend taking a treadmill or rowing machine out on the road, but small barbells wouldn't be any more distracting than, for instance, a cell phone. Sit-ups would be possible for those with electronic seat adjustments, but it's difficult to see out the windshield from a recumbent position. And jumping jacks are out of the question.

Still, if the Powers That Be insist that I exercise while driving on snow and ice, who am I to challenge their authority? I just need to find a stability ball to coordinate with the color of my car.

1 comment:

Bardiac said...

I think a lot of motorists are already too busy weight lifting their cell phones while driving to do other exercises. Gah!

If you're driving, then drive!