Friday, January 30, 2009

Why I love my library

Among the many reasons to love my new library, I really love the way certain shapes and colors are echoed throughout the building and the way unexpected openings frame design elements. It love the fact that it is full of light and color and interesting upholstery.

And then there are those chairs. If Pixar were producing an animated film featuring talking chairs, they would look just like the study chairs in the library's Center for Teaching Excellence. If these chairs could speak, what would they say?


Anonymous said...

Those chairs are a riot! Are they being used?? I'm on a renovation "task force" of one of our buildings, and frankly, I can't wait till we finish with the picky details of where the lights go and move on to the furniture and wall colors!

Enjoy that beautiful space.

Bardiac said...

Wow, that's beautiful!

Ours looks like a prison :(