Thursday, June 06, 2013

Whole lot o' deleting going on

Junk (delete), junk (delete), junk (delete)--but wait, what's this? A request to serve as an external reviewer for a friend seeking tenure at another institution. I've never done that before but yes of course I'm delighted to do it, just a little nervous about doing it well. I'll save that one.

Junk junk junk (delete delete delete). Request to serve at a college function while I'm out of town next week (delete). Lunch invitation--always welcome!

Notice from the local birding group about a trip I would like to attend but can't (delete). Multiple posts from an academic listserv from which I can't figure out how to unsubscribe (delete). Friendly message from textbook rep wanting to send me books I don't need (delete). Request to connect on LinkedIn with someone whose name I don't recognize (delete). Direct deposit notice that ought to go to my husband's e-mail address but comes to mine instead for reasons I no longer recall (save).

Message telling me my auto warranty is expiring, which is pretty ludicrous considering my newer car is 18 years old (delete). Photo of a loon sent by member of local birding group (view, delete). Message inviting me to apply for a particular grant (interesting--save and star). "Strictly confidential" message from person wanting to send me forty million dollars (ha! delete). Junk junk junk (delete delete delete).

No, I don't need any Viagra today, thanks (delete), and I send flowers maybe twice a year so I really don't need to send an ad to my inbox Every. Single. Day (delete). I'm not sending anyone my user name and password via e-mail (delete), but here's one from our campus instructional technology expert asking me to change my password on Livetext (comply, delete). 

Final instructions for the AP reading I'm attending next week (read, save). Invitation to retirement party for colleague that I can't attend (delete, make note to send card). Cheerful update from friend traveling in Europe (read, respond). Ooh, readers commenting on my blog! (Read, respond). More offers for Viagra (seriously? Delete) and more junk junk junk (delete delete delete).

It took a while but my inbox is down to nearly nothing, but what do I have to show for all that work? A whole lot o' nothing.



Andrea, not the troptical storm said...

You are such a braggart.

I currently have 826 emails in my work inbox and about 200 in my personal inbox. Don’t even mention archives. And can I part with any of them? No! They’re like the broken appliances that I keep and irrationally believe are self-healing and the worn sheets that fill my closets so I can make bandages for the soldiers.

Bev said...

See, that many messages would drive me crazy. I start getting antsy when I see more than 20 or 30 messages in my inbox, but I do have an awful lot archived in various folders. But 826? That's crazy!

We should have a contest. Can anyone beat 826? The winner will receive a huge outpouring of broken appliances and worn sheets.