Friday, April 05, 2013

Reaching my limits

Number of conference sessions I can attend back-to-back before I need to take a break from listening: 2 sessions or 7 papers, whichever comes first.

Number of times I can hear the phrase "hegemonic normative masculinity" before I want to run screaming from the room: way fewer than the approximately 27 times the phrase appeared in one paper yesterday. 

Number of truly wretched presentations I've attended so far: 2.

Number of papers that inspired interesting ideas for my own research or teaching: 3. 

Number of times my heart leaps up when I see a boat moving smoothly past the windows of the conference hotel: depends on the size of the boat.

Number of hours I've been in Savannah without seeing the sun: 38.

Price of a single granola bar in the hotel shop: $3. 

Price of a whole box of granola bars at the grocery story I visited yesterday: $3.

You do the math. 


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