Thursday, February 07, 2013

Teacher's helper

Last night I dreamed a PowerPoint presentation--and a pretty useful one at that. (Far more useful than the information Edgar Allan Poe one imparted to me in a dream. "Ulalume," he said, "means soccer coach.")

This morning I spent an hour or so putting together the presentation, strictly following the detailed instructions imparted within my dream.  Tomorrow I'll present the material in my Romancing the Beast class to introduce the history and significance of the Western film (in preparation for viewing The Electric Horseman). It's a pretty darned interesting presentation, including photos, film clips, and quotations from the frontier thesis of Frederick Jackson Turner, but I'm not sure I can take full credit for a presentation created while I was sleeping.

Clearly my subconscious knew that I needed to present this information, but I don't know how to give my subconscious a pat on the back. Maybe I should nominate my subconscious for the Innovative Teaching Award--but what would my subconscious do with the money, and where would it hang the plaque?

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