Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday poetry challenge: still life

Imagine tomatoes, great big red juicy ones, right here on the screen. I'd like to put a photo in front of you, but my morning got a little jumbled so that I couldn't bring together tomatoes, camera, and clean hands all at the same time, and by the time my hands were clean and dry, the tomatoes I had just picked had been whisked away to the Farmers' Market. Now I possess only the memory of the big beautiful red tomatoes I picked just after dawn this morning.

I do have the ugly ones. There's no point in taking the cracked or misshapen or not-quite-ripe tomatoes to the Market because no one will buy them, so I have plenty of those at home. We'll cook them down to make tomato sauce, for which beauty is irrelevant. Tomorrow I'll go out and pick another batch of big red beautiful tomatoes and I may even make some pose for portraits. Meanwhile, you'll have to use your imagination:

Glowing red globe stuffed
with earthy sweetness.Tomato:
edible sunshine.

Now it's your turn: if you can't take a photo, paint a picture in words, using poetry in any form.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Red alert, sent before Irene strikes: remember always to sniff your fruit.
