Monday, August 29, 2011

But who's keeping score?

If you really need to make a game out of tossing stones in a creek, you can play Stone-Skipping Baseball: a stone that goes plunk or skips just twice is an out; three skips = base hit, four skips = double, five skips = triple, and six skips = home run. Hit by a pitch? Take a base or find the first-aid kit.

Alternately, you can complicate the simple act of stone-skipping by using a stretch of creek studded with rocky obstacles: make the stone skip on this side of the rock and then jump past it and skip some more on the other side....and then you can complicate it even more by having a dog that thinks all thrown objects need to be retrieved. Take one creek, one pile of stones, and one dog, and add people: a recipe for fun.

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