Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Diagnosis: tedium

How many hospital-themed television dramas have I watched over the years? From Marcus Welby, M.D., to E.R., House, and Gray's Anatomy, I'll bet I've seen thousands of episodes, but I never saw one that came close to the sort of hospital drama I've experienced this week: waiting followed by nothing much going on followed by more waiting. You've never seen a hospital drama called Waiting Room, have you? And for good reason! Nothing much happens, and it takes an awful lot longer than 50 minutes to happen in.

House gives you intriguing puzzles and Gray's Anatomy gives you romance, but they tend to leave out the pure unadulterated tedium of the average hospital visit. Boring boring boring boring. I never before realized just how exhausting it can be to sit around in chairs all day long waiting for something to happen, which usually turns out to be nothing much after all.

They lie, those television hospital dramas. Lie lie lie lie. And after four days of enduring the genuine tedium of hospital life, I'm good for nothing except lying down. All that boredom wears me out.


Bardiac said...

And you spend the whole time hoping nothing will happen except recovery, perhaps. I DETEST hospitals (but am also grateful for medical care, of course).

I hope you get some relaxing sleep.

Quackademic said...

Use your "spare time" to write the pilot for "Waiting Room." The pilot can feature an amazing teacher who plugs away at grading, um, special papers despite the zamboins in the hallway.

Anonymous said...

Have them take your blood pressure. First thing they do, isn't it? And why might it be elevated? Because you're in a bloomin' hospital.
