Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fox news

It started as a flash of movement on the cliff across the road from our lower meadow, but then it turned to fur and faces and long fluffy tails. A family of foxes is living in a den about halfway up the cliff just across the road from our garden.

At first I saw three kits at play near the mouth of the den, but then they caught sight of me and scrambled inside. I dashed for the camera, but by the time I got back just one fox was visible on the ledge outside the den. I could have stood there watching her watching me all evening but then who would have planted the sweet potatoes?

I fired off about 30 shots and just before I left another fox came and entered the den. I was pretty far away and didn't have a tripod so many of the shots are blurry, but I was happy to catch any pictures at all.

I suppose this explains what all the barking was about the other night. Good thing we don't have chickens!


Rebecca said...

Lucky you! The only foxes I've ever seen were run over on I-77.

Andrea said...

You really ARE fortunate. What a special find. And you got pictures! And you'll probably get more!
I once saw a fox running up a hill along the interstate here in Northern California on my evening commute home. The sun was setting, and the evening light made the fox's fur appear pink in the tall green grass (must have been spring -- before everything gets brown and crispy around here). The snapshot in my head will have to do.

Bev said...

I saw them again yesterday at about the same time (6:30ish). Two of them sat on the lip of the cave watching us working in the garden. They don't seem to mind our presence, but there's a creek and a road and a steep cliff between us. Hopeful just sat there in the meadow with her eyes on the foxes. We do feel blessed.

My neighbors would disagree, of course. I have not told them that they have a den of foxes on the edge of their property. They have guns and hunting dogs and they know how to use them.

DeMisty said...

Lovely title for a lovely post! You are lucky to get these pictures.