Monday, August 23, 2010

It's all one

It's always 1 in my daughter's Nissan. I'm driving her car while mine is in the shop, and I've noticed that every time I get in the car, the dashboard clock starts at 1. It might move on to 1:06 or 1:22 or even 1:47, but I've never seen it switch to 2 or 3 or any other number.

This gives my daily commute a timeless feeling enhanced by the lack of a working radio. Shut in the car with no clock reminding me of the passage of time and no NPR news to remind me that the outside world is still turning, I feel as if I'm adrift outside time and all its demands and I achieve a sort of car nirvana.

I was enjoying the oneness this morning when I arrived on campus, opened the car door, and stepped out into a puddle of vomit. Farewell, nirvana! It's time for Real World 101.

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