Saturday, August 07, 2010

A Bimbo breakfast

Today's New York Times features an article about English muffins--not a particularly sexy topic, and yet it requires references to "a Bimbo vice president" and "a Bimbo spokesman" and "Bimbo employees" and even "the nook and cranny cognoscenti." There's a reference to "muffin culture" and an attempt to break "Thomas' English muffin code," which makes me wonder what's going on in the pantry when no one is looking.

All of this silliness is presented without a wink or a nudge from the journalist, one William Neuman, who should get a prize for his ability to write deadpan business prose about all those Bimbos. I'll never again eat an English muffin without thinking about the nook and cranny cognoscenti. Thank you, William Neuman, for contributing Bimbos to this complete breakfast.


Annie Em said...

My normally a.m. comatose-like husband giggled wildly over that story this morning: I just couldn't read it seriously with all the straight-forward bimbo references;-)

Annie Em said...

My normally a.m. comatose-like husband giggled wildly over that story this morning: I just couldn't read it seriously with all the straight-forward bimbo references;-)