Wednesday, May 05, 2010


For Godot? No:

To finish all the end-of-the-semester claptrap so I can stop driving to campus every day.

For my dog to realize that no amount of barking will bring the squirrel out of the tree.

For the cows to come home--or a home to come to the cows grazing on the hill where our neighbors are building a new house.

For the wild turkeys to come out of the woods so I can watch their frantic wobbly race across the meadow to the creek.

For a certain bit of sizzling-hot news to be announced so I can stop biding my time and biting my tongue.

To learn the fate of an article I submitted to a publication in January. (January!)

To drop a few pounds so I can get back into my cute blue skirt.

For my digestive system to get back to normal after all that cancer treatment--unless this is as close to normal as it's going to get.

For eighteen more months of clean blood tests and CT scans to pass before I can get my medi-port removed.

To pay off all my medical bills before I can even think about planning a vacation.

To find a way to visit my son this summer.

For my daughter and son-in-law to buy their house so I can help them move and paint and fix things up.

For the tomato plants to blossom, the corn to sprout, and the blueberry bushes to decide whether they're interested in producing anything interesting.

To read my course evaluations.

For Commencement.

To commence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooo.... you've got a spiffy new layout and yay... you kept your adorable profile pic! I'm waiting for my ship to come in. Perhaps, I should start swimming out to meet it!