Monday, May 03, 2010

Heavy lifting

Last summer's move to a new office required a lot of heavy lifting, but this year I'm moving digits. We're switching to a new course management system in the fall, discarding WebCT for the more euphoniously named Moodle, and the Powers That Be keep insisting that we're aiming for a "seamless migration," which makes me wonder what sort of seamstress one might take along on a migration and what sorts of seams she might be called upon to sew, but never mind the mixed metaphors: today I'm dealing with the niggling little bit of the migration that will not be seamless. Namely, the gradebook.

Now I like keeping my gradebook online. It's so much easier than those messy old spiral-bound gradebooks with the pages half falling out, and the online version calculates grades much more accurately than I can. But the problem is that the gradebooks for past courses will not carry over into Moodle, so if I want to preserve a record of students' grades, I need to download them from WebCT.

Fortunately, for a few years I recorded grades both online and off, so I have hard copies of grades for some classes. But I still had a pile of classes for which I had no record of the grades except on WebCT. How big a pile? 21 classes. Not a lot. How difficult could it be to download 21 online gradebooks from WebCT and then save them as Excel files?

Not difficult---but tremendously annoying. WebCT is notorious for demanding multiple clicks for every action, and then, of course, I had to convert the downloaded data into an Excel file, give it an appropriate name, and save it in a sensible place. The first few files took some thought, but after that it was just mindless clicking.

How much clicking? I counted: 32 clicks per class, 21 classes, 672 clicks. Six hundred seventy-two. I kept sliding into that Zone of Mindlessness that opens up whenever a task requires endless mindless clicking, but then I would get to the point where I needed to name and save the Excel file, and suddenly I needed to retrieve my brain from the Zone, a migration it wasn't always eager to make. A few times it didn't quite make the trip all the way back and I ended up saving the file in the wrong format or in the wrong folder, and then I had to do some more clicking to fix the problem.

But the files have all migrated--not quite seamlessly, but you can't have everything. At least the heavy lifting is done. Now my clicking digits need some R&R, wrapped around a nice cold glass of iced tea.


Anonymous said...

I feel my blood pressure rising. Grades should be assessments of what students have learned at the end of umpteen weeks or, revolutionary thought, after four years, not online calculations of lots of little bits, waystages (with water and snacks) in some running race. The clue that we are stuck waiting for Godot is all the mindless clicks.


Laura said...

I really like the new look mom!

Joy said...

Very nice new look!