Thursday, May 20, 2010

Nothing doing

I suppose you're wondering where I've been all week. No? Not at all? Is anyone out there? Hello!!

I could write some pretty amusing stuff about what I've been doing all week, but that would be wrong. Instead, I'll tell you what I haven't been doing all week:


Weeding the garden. (Which is too wet to weed anyway, but still: I haven't set foot in the garden except to pick a little rhubarb in the pouring rain Monday morning.)

Mowing, trimming, weed-whacking.




Keeping up with office work.

Walking. (Except once, briefly.)

Thinking (much).

Now that I'm done not doing all those things, though, I need to get caught up. I'll be swamped from here to next Tuesday just getting everything back to normal. See why so many people envy my exciting life?

1 comment:

Joy said...

I've been wondering - I posted a comment on the headline blog but it never appeared.

Enjoy doing nothing for a change - it's sure not to last : )