Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Public places, private faces

The student leaned back in his chair, drummed his fingers on the table, let his eyes wander around the room, and occasionally let out out a big sigh, his body language screaming "Get me out of here!!"

I get it--really, I do. He has more important things to think about than my silly class, which doesn't seem at all related to his major or career plans. If the class weren't required, no WAY he'd be sitting there working on writing skills on such a beautiful day. Some days I don't want to be there either.

But I wonder whether he realizes how loudly his body language is shouting. I wonder also about the students who sit there slack-jawed, slumping in their seats and staring blankly as if no one can see them. Are they aware that they're in the presence of actual people and not just computer monitors? Do they even know that their facial expressions are public? If they were aware of how absent and addled they look or what negative messages their faces convey, would they sit up and look lively?

Maybe I need to take a big mirror to class and challenge my students: If you can't be interested, can you at least pretend?


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