Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Addled (in ALL CAPS)

I knew the day would come when my four preps/four writing proficiency courses would addle my brain, and now it's here. Ample evidence: 

1. I almost missed my 1:00 class because I thought today was TUESDAY.

2. I distributed a handout with instructions that made NO SENSE WHATSOEVER because somehow I substituted the word SYLLABUS where THESIS was supposed to be.

3. I was surprised when a student reminded me that our class is meeting in the library Friday (according to the SYLLABUS) and I had to stand in front of the class looking STUPID while trying to remember WHY I had scheduled a LIBRARY VISIT.

4. I forgot to pack my LUNCH this morning and then, when I went out to buy something, forgot to take my PURSE to pay for it.

5. I found on my desk a yellow sticky note with a phone number and the letters UHC and even though it's clearly my handwriting, I have NO IDEA WHAT IT MEANS.  

Now here I am in my office surrounded by the wreckage of my morning. It's 2:12 p.m. Can I possibly restore order in a mere two hours or shall I just pack it in and call it a day?

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