Monday, October 14, 2013

Getting and spending and grading and grading and grading

I'm feeling a little grumpy after spending most of a beautiful weekend grading papers without ever getting outside for more than a few minutes or even getting caught up on grading. What a contrast--a weekend of relaxation and no papers followed by a weekend of papers, papers, and more papers, spilling right on into the week and probably next weekend too. 

What I need is some Wordsworth. Good thing the Concepts of Nature class is discussing "The World Is Too Much With Us" first thing this morning! Wordsworth can go ahead and condemn our tendency toward "Getting and spending," but I don't even have time to get and spend with all the grading I'm doing. "Grading and grading we lay waste our powers...." Somehow it lacks oomph.

I'd like to see old "Proteus rising from the sea," but only if he's willing to help me grade these papers. And will someone please tell Triton to turn down the volume on his horn? How am I supposed to grade papers will all that racket going on?



penn said...

Ha! I always think of that poem too when I am particularly overworked or exhausted (or stressed about money). I may be a science teacher, but I sure do appreciate my English classes from HS and college.

jo(e) said...

I'm always hoping for rain on weekends when I've got stacks of papers to grade.