I found these two sulphur butterflies clinging to weeds in the upper meadow and firmly attached to each other--so firmly, in fact, that when I walked too close and startled them, they flew off still attached, one dangling helplessly beneath the other.
Yes, the butterflies have come back, although not in the numbers we've seen in previous years. I saw plenty of variety today--lots of little blues and whites, several kinds of swallowtails, and a bunch of very small fritillaries (but none of the huge ones we usually see when the butterfly weed is blooming). Today I even saw a monarch, which doesn't often happen here although I don't know why.
Yes, the butterflies have come back, although not in the numbers we've seen in previous years. I saw plenty of variety today--lots of little blues and whites, several kinds of swallowtails, and a bunch of very small fritillaries (but none of the huge ones we usually see when the butterfly weed is blooming). Today I even saw a monarch, which doesn't often happen here although I don't know why.

The cabbage whites remain plentiful in the garden--and my, what a garden! We're already drowning in beans, cucumbers, and squash, and let me just say that patty-pan squash pan-fried in butter with a little salt and pepper is about as close to heaven as you can get without leaving Ohio. The corn patch is a dead loss but the melons are doing better than ever and we've never had peppers ready to pick this early in the summer.
The resident garden expert tells me that tomatoes ripen at night, so these warm nights should bring out the sizzle.
The sulphurs, on the other hand, prefer to do their sizzling in broad daylight.

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