Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thirty minutes I'll never get back again

I called Verizon/Frontier with a simple question: why have I not received a phone bill for the past two months? After spending thirty minutes providing the same information to four different people, I finally received an answer: Nobody knows.

Well alrighty then! I'm glad we've got that straightened out.

Of the four people to whom I spoke, three were pleasant and polite and as helpful as they could possibly be under the circumstances. The fourth was a piece of work.

Piece. Of. Work.

He was actually the third person I spoke to and the only one making crunching noises. Numbers or Cheetos? Whatever he was crunching, it put a pretty big dent in his Customer Service skills. When he told me he's not the right person to deal with my problem, I politely asked him to figure out who the right person might be and connect me to that person.

He bumped me back to the main menu.

Where I discovered that if you say "I need to talk to a real live person right now," the recorded voice will actually connect you to a real live person who will profusely apologize for the delay and do everything she can to figure out the answer to the problem, and if no answer can be found, she will promise to "put in a ticket" to make someone "look into the matter further." Somehow, this promise fails to restore my confidence, but that's okay. I've thoroughly satisfied my weekly quota of time spent in fruitless conversations with recorded voices, so good has been done here.


Joy said...

I love the new twitter/facebook share options!

I went a few rounds with AT&T last week to determine what I needed to do to get an iPhone 4 upgrade. I finally got someone who was nice, but still wanted me to sign up for one option, call him when I got my phone and then he'd "switch" me "manually" to the other option. Yeah - he wouldn't send me anything in writing promising that so I nixes it.

Funny thing is, I went to the Apple store to just order the phone and did my upgrade there with all the features I wanted in one minute. So simple!

The lesson - try their website first and NEVER ask to speak to a Real, Live, Human Being. They're only slightly human.

Anonymous said...

Called the cable t.v. company to disconnect, now that the World Cup's over. Could they send the same technician who installed it because he put in a "splitter" and he would know where to find it? "All our technicians are trained the same." You know the rest. Round came Guy. Wouldn't listen. Spend forty five minutes fiddling with stuff. Said our equipment was defective. Yesterday I crawled under the house, found the splitter, restored antenna service in five spidery minutes. You and I and possibly that person over there are the last humans left on the planet.