Monday, May 18, 2009

Ironic quest

I've been trying to buy a new ironing board--a simple enough task, you might think, but so far I can't find them at any local stores. One store carries only the type of ironing board that folds up into a cabinet on the wall, while another carries only mini-ironing boards that fit over the back of a door. I need a no-nonsense, full-size ironing board in which to iron my husband's dress shirts and my blouses and skirts and (most importantly) the dress I'm making for my daughter's wedding, but I can't find one anywhere.

I can imagine two reasons for this local dearth of ironing boards:

1. Nobody's ironing anymore. The people who used to iron are now wearing no-iron fabrics or taking all their shirts to the laundry or walking around looking like they've been sleeping in their clothes.

2. Everybody's ironing more. There's been a run on ironing boards and the local stores are all sold out.

Either way, I'm left with an ironing-board-shaped void in my life and I don't know how to fill it.


Bardiac said...

Have you tried goodwill or another thrift store?

Joy said...

I inherited the old family one from my mom when she got a new one - and I think I've used it twice. I have great respect for people who iron their own clothes. I end up burning my hand.