Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cardinal obsession

That cardinal I photographed yesterday keeps coming back. All day long she seeks communion with her own reflection--in the car mirror, in a shiny garbage-can lid, in various windows. Right now she's perched on a potted plant just outside a big picture window, where she can peer at her own reflection, burst forth in flight, bang against the window, drop to the ground, and then start the whole process all over again.

We've had birds bang into that big window before, but those that survive the impact get the message and move on, while this cardinal keeps coming back for more. Surely she ought to be out doing whatever it is that cardinals do instead of peering into the glass all day long. Is she obsessed, possessed, distressed, or just confused from banging her head against the window so many times?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice picture. I read something about this phenomenon in a birdwatching column once. It is not vanity or even legitimate self esteem, but territorialism combined with a bird brain. She thinks this is another cardinal infringing on her territory and is trying to scare it off. DT