Saturday, July 22, 2006

Another alternative

I've just thought of another scenario that could explain the disappearance of my briefcase: perhaps it suffers, like its owner, from Impostor Syndrome. The evidence is obvious: as long as I was a lowly adjunct and then a mere untenured assistant professor, it never attempted to leave me, but no sooner do I get tenure and a new title and the Big Office in the Corner and business cards (!) with the word "Chair" on them than the briefcase slinks off in shame, fearing that it can never belong in such an exalted milieu. That's what I would do if I were my briefcase. I suppose it's a good thing I'm not.


Jessica said...

I know why your briefcase left, and it wasn't intimidation; it was jealousy. After so many years together you and the briefcase were like one. You grew together, you laughed together, you went most places together. And then what do you do? You leave it for a chair. An ordinary, stationary chair. Sure, it may be a Big Office in the Corner Chair, but as far as the briefcase is concerned, it's still just a chair. You see, there was a misunderstanding; you never sat down with your briefcase and explained to it that this chair is merely a title that has no impact on your relationship with said briefcase. A little more talking and this whole situation might have been avoided.

Anonymous said...

WE HaVe uR brifkaSe if U eVEr wONT 2 sEa it AgaiN LeV 500$ iN a PApeR bAG on THE stEPpes oV the LIbeRRy nO COpS

BLu FRoG liBeRRatioN ArMY

Bev said...

Keep your hands off that briefcase, you miscreant, or it's curtains for you and the Mrs.