Friday, February 07, 2014

Because science!

This just in: science has shown that people can't actually reach the horizon because it just keeps getting farther and farther away. (I read it in a paper so it must be true. On the other hand, it wasn't cited. Think I should ask for a citation?)

What burning question will science tackle next? Think of it:
  • The Neuroscience of Dreaming the Impossible Dream
  • Jam Tomorrow and Jam Yesterday but Never Jam Today: a Quantum Physics Approach
  • GPS Revolutionizes Over-the-Rainbow Studies

There must be more! Suggestions?

Bonus question: if Schrodinger's cat reached the horizon, how would we know?



Bardiac said...

Only by opening the box!

Bev said...

But how will we get to the horizon to open the box?

Anonymous said...
