Thursday, October 10, 2024

Dance party in the sky

My day started very early with a doctor's appointment and blood draw before breakfast plus a flu shot that may have contributed to the overwhelming desire to sleep that hit me by midafternoon, but by that time I'd spent three hours driving north to meet my old grad school friend for lunch and a refreshing chat and then driven another 40 minutes to the home of my daughter and son-in-law and, of course, the grandkids, who read to me and played their piano pieces and demonstrated their progress in eating with chopsticks, so by the time the sky got dark enough to make the Aurora Borealis visible in northern Ohio I was so tired I was tempted to give it a pass, but the young folks convinced me to join them on a late-night jaunt to a local field where we were able to view the light show without obstructions, and when the middle grandkid said "There's a whole dance party going on in the sky," I had to take it on faith because, sadly, I couldn't see anything except a whole lot of dark sky with a pinkish tinge in certain areas, but fortunately the camera saw more than my aging eyes could see--and even if I couldn't see the dance party up there, I could see the grandkids dancing around in a field in their pajamas and warm coats and hear them marveling over the wonders playing out far overhead, and after the long and winding road I'd traveled to make it to that point, that moment was worth every ounce of effort.


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