Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Taking the waters

It feels somehow decadent to say we've been taking the waters at Saratoga Springs, but that's what we did today: we went for a walk at Saratoga Spa State Park, where mineral springs and geysers spew out water once believed to have medicinal qualities. Some of the water smells like sulfur and some turns rock formations vivid shades of orange and red. We tried the water at Tallulah Spring, a tiny, unimpressive fount near the roadside, and I found it refreshing in a way I can't quite describe. It's bubbly, yes, with a depth of flavor ranging from sweet to slightly salty, but mostly it tastes wet, if that makes any sense. 

After spending the first half of the week inside windowless rooms at my conference, it felt good to get out into the woods and walk amongst the dragonflies and butterflies (and, sadly, mosquitoes). We sat for a while next to Geyser Creek, where I felt like a voyeur watching dragonflies mate. Then we had a great dinner overlooking Saratoga Lake and went back to the hotel to pack for the next leg of our trip.

Tomorrow we're off to Lenox, where we'll see Edith Wharton's house and whatever else grabs our attention. The working part of this vacation is now over, so it seems appropriate to stroll through the woods and take the waters in a leisurely fashion. I don't know if the water will cure anything, but it sure makes me feel at rest.

One of several geysers.

Massive mineral deposits left behind by geysers.

This spring smelled very sulfurous.

The new rock looks fake, like faux boulders at a theme park.

Tallulah Spring, the water we drank. Sweet and bubbly.

Tallulah's trickle.

Our dinnertime view.


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