Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The life of the mind vs. the frailties of the body

Water, water everywhere--except where it's most needed. I've been texting with a California friend who's dealing with the current inundation, and I've also been emailing a committee chair asking whether this afternoon's meeting can be moved to a building where there are functioning rest rooms--Asking for a friend, but nobody's fooled by that.

No water in my building or most others on campus. Classes start tomorrow. Incoming students are undergoing tests just up the hall while repairpersons do something with the elevators that requires banging and shouting and my colleagues are frantically photocopying handouts and posting course materials to Canvas, but if you want to use a rest room, be prepared to walk. If you're in a hurry, walk fast.

I have some projects to finish before my afternoon meeting so at 11:30 I drove out to visit the brand-new Panera that just opened in town, but I was not the only person excited about finally getting a local Panera. The place was hopping, and not just with people looking for a functioning rest room. It took 27 minutes for my order to arrive. I look forward to returning after the initial rush of excitement dies down a bit.

The agenda for this afternoon's meeting has me stressed out before it even starts, but the thought of spending two or three stressful hours without access to a rest room makes me want to run home and hide under the bed. Someone could make a killing right now setting up a campus kiosk to sell adult diapers. Am I planning to attend that meeting? Depends....




nicoleandmaggie said...

OMG that last pun. You're killing me.

Bev said...

Thanks! It was kind of irresistible.

Fortunately, water service was restored soon after I posted this, so all turned out well.