Thursday, December 08, 2022

Hark, the herald chipmunks sing

I don't know what my son was thinking when he popped in the Christmas with the Chipmunks CD while the grandkids were visiting for Thanksgiving a few weeks ago--I mean, those kids know how to work the repeat button! We heard a year's quota of Chipmunks songs all in one day and somehow no one took a crowbar to the CD player.

Today on my way to campus I turned on the local holiday music station and heard Vince Guaraldi playing the Charlie Brown Christmas theme followed by Jose Feliciano singing "Feliz Navidad" followed by Trans-Siberian Orchestra playing "Carol of the Bells"--a trifecta of holiday perfection. Okay, so they followed up with "Frosty the Snowman," but that's why the tuner button exists.

Seven years ago I blogged about my top-10 holiday music selections, a list that remains remarkably accurate even though some of the links no longer work. The local production of Handel's Messiah never fails to fill me with awe, and this year's soloists were especially powerful and even, sometimes, fierce. But I'll also happily listen to any dumb little song my grandkids want to sing, even if it's accompanied by squeaky little chipmunk voices. 

Tomorrow I'll be inundated with piles of student papers and projects demanding to be graded, so I think I can be forgiven for taking advantage of some free time this afternoon to pop in some holiday music and write some cards and absorb the joy of the season--before it gets drowned out.

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