Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Scenic route = procastination path

Final exams start tomorrow but mine are all online so all I need to do is post the essay questions and then monitor my email in case there are problems, which I can do just as well in Jackson--maybe even better, since my home internet connection is often horrible while the one in Jackson is generally reliable. So I packed up and headed out this morning, looking forward to spending the rest of the week in the same house as my husband.

But I had to take the long way around, and here's why: a colleague who serves as director of the group that oversees the Luke Chute Conservation Area asked me to write a little something for their newsletter and let them print some of my photos. I've done this before, but that was when I was visiting Luke Chute much more often; this year I've spent so much time in Jackson that I've visited Luke Chute only three or four times, and not at all since September. So I thought I'd stop by this morning and take a hike, even though the weather was cold and drizzly. (That's what you call commitment to craft.) Now I'm recovering at the Jackson house with a cup of hot tea, ready to write up a little something for my colleague's newsletter--a perfect excuse for avoiding that next round of student papers begging for attention. And look at the pretty things I found on my hike! Much more fun than grading.


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