Tuesday, September 29, 2020

I swear they're creeping up behind me

This is what happens when a shelf inside a built-in cabinet collapses and the only way the college carpenter can fix it is to remove all the books but there's nowhere to put them except on the floor and on the chairs and pretty much everywhere, and then he fixes the shelf so it's now strong enough to hold all those books without collapsing but I'm in the middle of midterm grading so I don't have time to deal with the mess.

Good thing nobody ever comes to my office these days. On the other hand, I had a dickens of a time just now trying to reach my tea bags on the filing cabinet behind all the book piles. But now I'm calmly drinking my tea while grading papers with my back firmly turned away from the mess of books on the floor. Sometimes the path to sanity requires turning your back on the problem.


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