Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Not that anyone asked...

I drove to work this morning behind an attractive Acura sporting a license plate that said GOLFGLV, which I interpreted as "golf glove" because what else could it be? And then I had to wonder why someone would feel so enamored of a golf glove that he would feel the need to advertise that fact so publicly (and of COURSE I assumed it was a guy--wouldn't you?). Maybe he made a killing manufacturing golf gloves or somehow owes all his success in life to a certain golf glove, or maybe he considers his car a metaphorical golf glove, which makes no sense to me--but then, I'm not the one driving around with a vanity plate that says GOLFGLV. These things ought to come with interpretations, or maybe someone could create a web site where people could post the explanation for their vanity plates to satisfy the curiosity of fellow drivers. Until that happens, I'll be scratching my head over GOLFGLV.


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