Friday, February 07, 2020

First (real) snow

There's no denying that it's pretty outside, all that fresh white snow frosting trees and buildings, and there's no denying that I've been begging for snow all winter long, but driving to work this morning was a bit of an adventure, with more fresh snow falling even as plows were failing to keep up with the snow that had already fallen. But fortunately it was wet snow with no ice underneath, and everyone was driving very slowly and carefully on the highway hidden underneath the snow, except for that one guy who kept creeping up as if to push my car from behind, even though it would have done him no good to get ahead of me since cars in front were keeping to the same slow pace. But I got to campus and had class and now I can sit back, look out the window, and simply enjoy the beauty, hoping all the while that the roads will be cleaned up by the time I drive home.


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