Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Pardon the desultory dithering

When lacking a deadline, I dither;
My forward momentum just withers.
This midsummer malaise
Inspires me to gaze
toward August, too fast drawing hither.  

Shall I mow, write, or bake a lasagna?
Stay at home or proceed over yonder
to look at some birds?
Summertime's just absurd!
But I won't celebrate when it's gone (yeah!).

Okay, this is a mess. I mowed and made lasagna today but got very little work done because the weather was too gorgeous, which, in the summer, results in a nearly nonexistent internet connection at home. Yesterday: dark clouds, showers, thunder, and excellent internet connection; today: sunshine, blue skies, a nice breeze, and a connection that lasts a nanosecond before pooping out.

With no need to go to campus or drive to town, the biggest decision of the day is this: do I need the internet badly enough to merit driving five miles up the highway to sit in McDonald's eating something I don't need to justify using their free wi-fi? Or save it for tomorrow, when I'll be on campus? 

I dither. I mow. I make lasagna. And I look forward to the time when I'll be back in the presence of reliable internet and cell-phone access every single day.
Summertime. That's what I'm talking about.


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