Wednesday, June 05, 2019

If it gets any wetter, we'll need an ark

Given the widespread flooding in northern Ohio, I should have known that it would be a waste of time to drive to Magee Marsh yesterday morning, but in my defense, I checked the website before I left and made sure there were no warnings about flooded roads, and on the drive over I could barely contain my excitement at finally getting a chance to visit one of the premier birding spots east of the Mississippi, and even though I've missed the height of the warbler migration I thought I'd spend the morning wending my way along the boardwalk to see what was cheeping amongst the trees, so you can just imagine my disappointment when I turned in the entrance road and found it under water. So no Magee Marsh for me this year.

But rather than fixate on the disappointment, let's turn the page back and recall the beautifully sunny Monday when my daughter brought the grandkids up to the lake for a visit and we took them on the ferry to Put-in-Bay, where we tooled around in a golf cart visiting stuff kids would enjoy: A cave! A trip to the top of Perry's Monument! A beach where they tried to throw every single stone into the lake! (And my husband said, "Maybe that explains why the water level is so high.") And, of course, the zoomy ride across the waves on the Jet Express! 

It was a beautiful day. And today it is raining again, even though this area really does not need any more rain at the moment. And guess what's in the forecast for tomorrow? If you guessed "rain," give yourself a gold star. So today I intend to curl up with a good book and ignore the ugly weather, and if I need any cheering up, I'll look at the photos of our one beautiful day.

What happens to hair in a fast-moving boat.

For these kids, riding the golf cart was half the fun.

Let's fill the lake with rocks!

We're on a tower!

Walking is still a new skill for Little Bee.


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