Saturday, March 10, 2018

Sometimes it feels like the whole world is whirling

Yesterday I constructed a class discussion that built toward comprehension of immanence, transcendence, and performativity; today I constructed a Lego house with rooms for all kinds of little creatures and built a helipad on top.

Yesterday I responded to student drafts with such diligence that my rapid reading pace made my head spin; today I watched the whole world whirl around a little girl discovering the joys of a twirly skirt.

Yesterday I collected enough midterm exams and reading assignments to carry me clear through Spring Break; today I carried a step-stool and screwdriver to help my daughter prepare the nursery for the arrival of the new grandbaby.

Yesterday I steered my car through snow and wind and semi-trucks while turkey vultures circled overhead; today I steered my grandson through a maze of games and Lego blocks while bouncy balls erupted out of nowhere.

Yesterday I did my job well and earned my keep; today I keep laughing so hard that I don't even notice how hard I'm working--and I don't intend to stop as long as Spring Break lasts.

I made that dress for my daughter, decades ago.


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