Sunday, October 23, 2016

Autumn Spectrum

Fire-red leaves on the burning bush, barn-red on the oaks.
Pokeweed-stem red. Rusty-dusty-aspen-leaf red.
Red-edged maple leaves fading to orange.

Oak orange, sycamore orange, very berry orange.
Orange fluttering from the treetops--a leaf?
No--a butterfly flapping orange-speckled wings.

Paw-paw leaves, yellow beacons glowing in the dark wood.
Sunset reflecting yellowly on water, grasses waving yellow tips
at tiny butterflies (orange-yellow, butter yellow, yellow-green).

Leaf green, gall green, stem green, grass green.
Tall green grasses wave red-tinted grains in the wind

As deep green chicory stems hold that few blossoms (blue). 

Blue sky filled with hawk; eastern bluebirds on a wire,
gray-blue wings above a rusty orange breast.
(Tail of the hawk circling overhead? Red!)

Indigo stains the sky in declining light,
the edge of night.

Violet asters
on the roadside

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