Friday, April 22, 2011

A tale of two classes

It's the last day of classes and my students responded in very different ways:

Full classroom, eager faces, "Could you explain again how a villanelle works?"

Empty chairs, empty backpacks, half the class forgot the homework: "Do we have to do this or can we just go?"

"This is the final class of my undergrad education! I don't want it to end!" So we stay a while and chat after class is over.

Bloodshot eyes, face on desk: "Is it too late to change the topic for my final paper?"

Cheerful chatter after class: "What are you taking next semester?" "I'm in that class too! I can't wait to come back!"

Glum groaning and slamming of books: "I'm sick of this place. I'm transferring out."

"Do we have to go?"

"Do we have to stay?"

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