Saturday, April 09, 2011

Spring sends a wake-up call

I went down to the garden, raked away the mulch, and found that the carrots we'd left in the ground last fall had kept growing--five feet long and still delicious.

In my dreams.

The fact that I'm dreaming about gardening suggests that it's about time to get out there and see what's going on underground. In the front flower garden I need to rake off the mulch, pull up the tattered weed barrier, work on eradicating the ant colony, pull the weeds, tame the daisy patch, and plant some spring color. Empty out the planters and put in some pansies and ivy. Build a deck-like cover for the cistern with a big planter and maybe a bench. Mow the grass. Move the birdfeeders.

In the back: check on the hostas, do some weeding, clean the deck, mow the grass. Persuade the hubby to put doors on the shed and transform wood and old windows into a cold frame.

Next to the garage: weed around the irises and the pachysandra and plant some more. Pull weeds from the path and find a way to stabilize the slope. Figure out what's wrong with the forsythia. They tell me it's hard to kill forsythia but we seem to have found a way.

Up to the herb gardens: fix the wall, till the soil, plant some herbs, and install a bench to make it easy to sit and inhale the aromas.

Down to the berry patch (prune canes, pull weeds, harvest horseradish) and the vegetable gardens (till, plant, weed, repeat). I doubt that we'll find any carrots five feet long. Horseradish, maybe. A five-foot-long horseradish root--that would be quite the wake-up call!

1 comment:

Bardiac said...

You're weeks and a quarter of a growing season ahead of me (plus, it sounds like you've got a more complicated garden.

I cleaned up some leftover fall cleanup (because it got covered in our big blizzard in fall, and stayed covered til recently), but that's about it for now. The crocuses are mostly up, and some are blooming! The daffodils are coming along, too. Nothing else looks much like spring yet.

Happy spring!