Friday, March 11, 2011

From one waterworld to another

The news from Japan is horrific (earthquake, tsunami, death and destruction) and the news from Ohio is distracting (rain, snow, floods, classes cancelled Monday to let the river recede), but the news from here is less dramatic: we're fine. Really. We appreciate all the phone calls and expressions of concern, but the tsunami warnings didn't affect our travel plans at all except that we had to cancel our visit to Point Lobos, which was closed because of the threat of high waves.

We saw some high waves, but they looked pretty normal for the beach we visited, which was posted all over with signs warning of dangerous waves and undertows. We sat on the sand and shared a picnic to the sound of crashing waves, our final visit to the Pacific before returning home. This morning we climbed the tower Robinson Jeffers built with his bare hands, a labor he compared to putting together words to make poetry. Tonight we're staying at an airport near the San Francisco airport so we can catch a 6 a.m. shuttle and fly back home, where a wet world awaits.

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