Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Source of confusion

All right boys and girls, it's time for a little quiz. If you're writing a literary analysis essay, which of the following qualifies as a reputable source?

A. An article from a peer-reviewed academic journal
B. A chapter from a book published by a university press
C. A brief excerpt from a sample paper written by an unnamed student and published in a composition textbook

If you answered A or B, give yourself a pat on the back! Otherwise, we need to have a serious talk.


Anonymous said...

But Dr. Phil and Oprah and Jerry Springer are okay, right?

Bev said...

Oh absolutely. Also Wikipedia. And the I Hate Literature Blog. And the ramblings of your drunken roommate.

Annie Em said...

Oh, how about BookRags, or SparkNotes? No?

Bev said...

Oooh yeah. And, if such a site exists.

Bardiac said...

I'm glad you already gave the okay on my drunken roommate. And his grandma, too, right?

Bev said...

Wait, I thought his grandma was dead? I suppose it would be okay if he contacts her through a medium, but what's the correct format for citing medium-mediated messages?

Bardiac said...

Surname, First Name. Mediated Communication. Date. (Seance)

I think that's it.