Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A lot of maybes

I can't remember the last time work kept me at my desk past 6 p.m., and yet here I sit still working into the evening with another big pile of papers demanding attention on my desk. Where did the time go? I got to the office before 8 this morning and I left the office exactly five times: to teach two classes, attend two meetings, and eat lunch. I've spent the rest of the time right here, and I could stay here all night and still not make much of a dent in the work.

I told the provost today that teaching an overload while serving as department chair is too much, and she agreed. Maybe I shouldn't do this again. Maybe we should hire more adjuncts so I won't have to do it again...but we're under orders to cut down on our use of adjuncts. Maybe I should opt out of teaching the first-year seminar...but I haven't taught it for four years and it was my turn. Maybe I should opt out of teaching upper-level literature classes...but our majors need them and I'd go crazy without them. Maybe I could have postponed teaching my sophomore-level nature course...but it fulfills two general education requirements and those students needs literature too!

Maybe I'll just get accustomed to staying at the office late into the night...or maybe I'll just fall asleep right here and forget about going home at all.

Then again, maybe not.

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